The IB Diploma programme

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is offered at several thousand schools worldwide. The diploma is recognised as a university entrance qualification in 145 countries, including Europe and the United States.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a challenging and well-balanced programme of upper secondary education with a degree that is little known in this country but recognised worldwide, giving students access to universities in Switzerland and abroad. In addition to academic education, strong emphasis is placed on social, emotional and ethically oriented personality development. In this way, the IB follows similar humanistic approaches to Waldorf education. The IB aims to enable young people to integrate into an ever faster and continuously growing global society.

Students at Rudolf Steiner schools, who completed their schooling on the basis of Rudolf Steiner's 12-year curriculum, can obtain the university entrance qualification in Langenthal with just one additional school year, instead of the two additional years at a state school.